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AC Central Video Access

Here are the instructions for the new AC central video access

Connecting to AC Central by this web page: 

1) Under listen live next to the search bar there will be a button for Video or Audio only. 

2) Make sure your computer volume is turned up and you should be able to hear or see the service 

Connecting to AC Central by smart phone: 

1) Open up the AC Central app

2) Click on the sermons box

3) Select the Rockville page 

4) Next to Livestream click on the red live button

5) There will be a pop up which will give you the option to play video or play audio

Note: If you don't have the AC Central app you can use the web page instructions on your smartphone. 

Phone Dial in.

1) Contact a Sound Committee Brother (Josh Luginbuhl or Rob Bahler) and they will give you the number and the access code.

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